I just wrapped up a morning of 1:1 client sessions and, as I treat myself to a cappuccino (regular milk) and cherry vanilla scone, am putting the final touches on this newsletter which, frankly, has taken me a long time to write. Not for lack of content, in fact, the opposite…I couldn’t figure out what to highlight in this newsletter.
Some things that have been happening…
First, I completed my 630 hour Kane School certification! This was a comprehensive certification covering Global Anatomy, Pilates Mat and all of the Pilates Apparatus’s.
The cert and testing out in the program came in stages, first, global anatomy and the hours of study that came with that (please someone ask me to identify the 26 bones of the foot next time I see you!), then the Pilates mat choreography created by Joesph Pilates himself and the hours of teaching that came with that, then layering on each of the Pilates apparatus's - Reformer, Cadillac, Chair, Barrel, Spine Corrector - and weekends full of assisting current students in their learning.
The final piece was the therapeutic movement phase where we delved into working with all populations - disk herniations, muscle imbalances, hip & knee replacements, etc. Not all Pilates programs go into this level of detail...nor take this long to complete...but, this was the level of detail that was right for my movement and teaching practice.
In January 2023 (almost a year and a half ago!) I embarked on this. I was already practicing and working as a personal trainer and Roll & Release practitioner. I was drawn to the hyper-anatomical, therapeutic movement Pilates provides. I wanted to be equiped to work with all body types from fit athletes training for a marathon to someone post injury needing to get back into exercise safely to clients coming out of orthopedic intervention (e.g. knee replacement), etc. On the advice of many respected movement professionals, I enrolled in the Kane School and into a 630 hour program complete with hours of anatomy study, hours of supervised teaching and practical study.
On a personal level, this training came into my life during a period of massive and uncomfortable life change. I was transitioning out of the corporate world completely, I was moving out of a home that I loved and I had to make some real decisions about having started this business and the risks and rewards that come with that.
That said, it was the best forward leap I ever could have made. Fast forward to April of 2024, where this month I passed the last test to complete the certification. And here we are, 630 hours and lots of life lessons later, we have our April newsletter.
Happenings this month...
Release Jaw Tension
New on the blog, I've shared a jaw tension release sequence to address the head, neck and shoulders. It's something I've been taking a lot of my corporate clients thru this month to release the masseter muscle.
I’ve shared this before, the masseter muscle, that small, dense muscle in our cheek that helps us chew, can exert more than 200lb of pressure onto the molars when the jaw is clenched. That pressure travels down into the neck which travels down into the shoulders, down around the ribcage, etc.
It only takes ~5 minutes, you need a soft ball (no lacrosse balls!) and this is one of the most accessible release sequences I teach.
Corporate Wellness
We've got some great corporate partnerships happening this month and ahead of summer.
This month I was on site at a midtown based investment bank. Thru the day I held small group Roll & Release sessions.
Employees come in and, similar to any private session, tell me what’s going on with their bodies and let me know if there’s anything specific they want to work on.
These are all employees who spend their day at a desk so the majority of what we work on is related to that - sitting at a desk.
In small group sessions we focused on stretches and release techniques to bringing relief to the stiff muscles that tighten up when working at a desk. The results are instant. After our 15 minute sessions, employees returned to their workday rested and calm (and more productive). Having worked in the corporate world myself, this is one of the most rewarding things that I do. I love witnessing the transformation that takes place in such a short time.
If this is something you think your organization might benefit from, please reach out below. We offer non-profit rates.
Classes @ The Floor
In March I added a Monday night class but then I realized it too much for me to take on, teaching from 7AM until 8PM was not sustainable so I've paused that time slot - we live and learn! That said, I'm looking to add a "Summer Friday" afternoon class midday on Fridays starting in June. Stay tuned for more on that.
In the meantime...
April - May Schedule
Wednesday 6:30PM (1hr)
Saturday 10:00AM (1hr)
Save the Date for April Roll & Release Classes
Sunday, April 28th 1:30PM*
All classes are grounded in the three prongs of TDM: Myofascial Release, Pilates & Strength Training. Classes are intended to be challenging yet approachable and I'm so grateful to have The Floor as our home for this!
*April 28th is also the Brooklyn Half Marathon. If you're running and want to join class to assist in your recovery, email me for a complimentary class!
Private Training
I have a couple of openings coming up in June, in both Manhattan (Flatiron) and Brooklyn. If you've been thinking about this, let's connect.
TDM Caps are Back in Stock!!
I genuinely didn't think these would be as bit of a hit as they were but hey, I guess 15 years working in fashion merchandising carried over into this world.
Colors available are (in the order shown below) Salmon, Mint, Caribbean Blue, Navy.
You can place thru the link below and have them shipped or hand delivered to you!
Ok! I think that's all for now. Thanks for being here!
Until next month!
xxx Catherine
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